I love all his music ... I seen his video for "Day n nite" a few months ago, the first one with him in the market with all the girls everywhere. I had no clue who he was .. now i do. I think He's pretty good (lookin) lol.
This bathing is so cute .. and im not suppose to be shopping anymore, but I need one .. so im gonna get one. Its simple and cute .. They have the best swimsuits. I rather that be a pic of me, but I just order it today :)
At first I thought they were gonna be wack, but I listened to their songs and I like all of them. There signed to Def Jam, and I think alot of girls are gonna relate to what they talk about in their songs lol. You have to listen to the words .. I love it. My fave is "So Good" .. but "Drink in My Cup is hot too". Im def gone be blastin this all the time ..
Ok maybe I'm a little joe .. but who cares?! Can we talk about how fly this man looks on the cover of this Nylon Guys Magazine?? Anyway I was going to write about this magazine a long time ago because I always hear that there are no good ones for guys to really relate to as far as fashion. Well ... I really looked through this one yesturday and its doppppe!! And all the guys that follow/loves the fashion thing should really get up on this Magazine .. now when i say get up on it I dont mean glance at it on the stand, I mean like actually purchase it and read it like a book .. and this issue shows pics of the hottest sneakers .. so sneakers heads it for you also : )